Rosemary Eagle I discovered I loved immersing myself in art at a very young age and when I left school I studied Textile Design and Ceramics at RMIT. I worked in industry as a printed fabric designer and then in my thirties returned to study painting and printmaking at Ballarat College of Advanced Education gaining a Diploma of Fine Art Painting in 1988. Apart from a short career in office administration to earn ‘proper’ money for 10 years, most of my life has been focused around art.
I work from a home based studio in Ararat, my studio is small but functions well and is separated from the house by a courtyard garden. I have a 22” (56cm) intaglio press and work in isolation most of the time; the internet serves as a means of social interaction and feedback with other artists as does the support and feedback I receive from my husband John Eagle. In 2008 I developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ( ) which has dramatically altered my life and my perceptions about how life should be; being able to go to my studio and focus on my art is an important part of adding value to my changed life which includes the loss of independence that I had taken for granted. Regular trips to Geelong for 5 day in hospital treatments to help manage my pain have resulted in numerous observations and sketches of Corio Bay from the hospital sun room, these have become an important source of inspiration for my art. I find the industrial parts of the bay a constant fascination and I am also particularly interested in the variations of atmosphere at different times of the day. My work also explores the experience of living with chronic pain and the types of pain I live with. I produce etchings, dry points, monotypes and monoprints. My etchings often incorporate multiple techniques including aquatint, sugar lift, engraving, dry point and chine colle. The interaction of colour in my multi-plate monotypes is a key focus and I enjoy creating works that have a sense of mystery and are open to interpretation by the viewer. Taking chances with my work is an important part of the creative process, the possibility of seeing an exciting result when you pull back the press blankets is one of the reasons I love printmaking. I believe art nourishes the soul and enriches our lives, something that material wealth fails to do. Rosemary can be contacted at [email protected] Links: |